TIME 2005
Call for Papers
Important Dates
Accepted Papers
Invited Speakers
Conference Officers
Program Committee
Tourist Information

Call for Papers [pdf]

Topics of Interest | Paper Submission

The purpose of this symposium is to bring together active researchers from distinct research areas involving the representation of and reasoning about temporal phenomena. As with previous meetings in this unique and well established series, one of the main goals of the TIME symposium will be to bridge the gap between theoretical and applied research in temporal representation and reasoning. Thus, we especially encourage submissions concerning temporal issues within areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Temporal/Spatial Databases and Applications of Temporal Logic in Computer Science, in order to achieve a multi-disciplinary perspective on the topic and to benefit from cross-fertilization of ideas.

The special emphasis of TIME 2005 is on NEW DIRECTIONS IN TIME RESEARCH, for example: querying data streams and moving objects, temporal data mining, and temporal aspects of agents and policies.

There are three tracks in the symposium with a single program committee. The conference is planned as a two-and-a-half-day event, and will be organised as a combination of technical paper presentations, a poster session, and two keynote talks.

Topics of Interest

Track 1: Temporal Representation and Reasoning in AI

  • temporal aspects of agent- and policy-based systems
  • temporal constraint reasoning
  • reasoning about actions and change
  • temporal languages for planning
  • temporal languages and architectures
  • ontologies of time and space-time
  • expressive power versus tractability
  • belief and uncertainty in temporal knowledge
  • temporal learning and discovery
  • time and nonmonotonicity
  • time in problem solving (e.g. diagnosis, scheduling,...)
  • time in human-machine interaction
  • spatio-temporal reasoning
  • temporal information extraction
  • time in natural language processing

Track 2: Time Management in Databases

  • temporal data models
  • temporal query languages
  • indexing of temporal/spatio-temporal data
  • temporal database systems
  • spatio-temporal databases
  • moving objects databases
  • constraint databases
  • temporal data mining
  • time in multimedia databases
  • time in e-services and web applications
  • time in federated and heterogeneous systems
  • time in workflow and ECA systems
  • querying time series databases
  • querying data streams
  • time-dependent security policies

Track 3: Temporal Logic in Computer Science

  • specification and verification of systems
  • synthesis and execution
  • model checking algorithms
  • verification of infinite-state systems
  • reasoning about transition systems
  • temporal architectures
  • temporal logics for distributed systems
  • temporal logics of knowledge
  • hybrid systems and real-time logics
  • tools and practical systems
  • temporal issues in security

Paper Submission

Submitted papers should describe original, previously unpublished, research, should be written in English, and should not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. The authors of submitted papers are encouraged to reference relevant earlier TIME papers.

As usual within the TIME series, proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press and will be subject to IEEE Copyright. Accepted papers will be invited for full presentation or poster presentation. One author of each accepted paper has to register for the symposium and present the paper. Camera ready papers will be produced with the author kits sent by IEEE Computer Society Press. It is also our intention to organise a special issue of a leading journal, containing extended versions of selected papers from the symposium.

Submissions must not exceed the length of 11 pages; font size must be 11pt or larger. The papers should be submitted as PDF files. It is strongly suggested to use the LaTeX article style. Overlength submissions will be rejected without review. Please indicate the track and topic(s) on the first page of the paper. Papers should be electronically submitted via the form available at the TIME 2005 web site (http://time2005.cse.buffalo.edu/). All submissions must be received by January 29, 2005.
